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Saturday, August 4, 2012


What do you do when you don't want to pack? Either you don't pack and have none of your crap, or you hate your life for however long it takes you to pack (for me, hours since I get distracted by literally ANYTHING that makes me stop packing). Unfortunately, my life needs to waste away for hours because probably cannot go to Alaska in a tank top and shorts, that's it. So I'm going to Alaska tomorrow... woah. I am flying oh, all day tomorrow. By myself. I better not get some smelly-ass person next to me for the ride. Or a screaming baby. Or a really superly fat person who's overspill engulfs my armrest (those are the worst!). Or a chatty person that I just do not want to deal with for 14 hours. Or a girl who smells like she jumped in a vat of perfume (as my dad calls is "coverscent") because I will get a migraine and, oh thanks Excedrin, way to get recalled. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm pretty excited to be going on this trip though. My time capsule from 4th grade (Yes Karl, not grade 4) said "I want to go to Alaska" then my senior year of high school note said "I want to go to Alaska" well boom, done, goodnight. Going. I am very curious as to how this is going to pan out. I'm staying at a remote fish hatchery with a small batch of people for 2 weeks to job shadow and see what it's like to work with Pacific salmon! Pretty flippin excited. I know I'm going to love the area and the wildlife (Kodiak.bears.everywhere.). I think I'm going to have to get a bigger suitcase so I can bring a bear cub home, that will solve my stalker situation. No one's messin with a girl with a 700 pound bear, straight up not happening. Things I need to remember: tone myself down aka don't be such an honest, scarcastic a-hole if someones getting on my nerves (this is going to be rough!!); don't listen to Nicki Minaj out loud, I feel like people move to Alaska to get away from that stuff; don't make 8 billion Chuck Testa references- even though it is going to be the most PERFECT area for "I bet you though this deer was alive... NOOOPE" ugh really going to have to work on that one; don't complain about other peoples cooking- even though it might be putrid and disgusting, you ate a pudding filled fish taco once, and not much can be worse than that. Hopefully people won't ask me for food recipes 8000 times a day, I feel like that could get old fast. Anyways, I'm flying tomorrow and I will be sure to use this blog as a venting session for all of the people that literally drive me ballistic while flying tomorrow, or the idiots that I have to make fun of (including myself) while traveling. Oh and obviously I'll use it for its real purpose once I get to Alaska! So pumped.

1 comment:

  1. Safe Travels . . . super jealous! Enjoy! Please bring me back a cub bear as well. :)
