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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Closest To A Heart Attack Yet

The scariest thing so far happened to me last night. So I’m lying in bed, not sleeping, because I ate sugar before bed and I’m wired and just need to go run around or something but I’ve decided to try to let myself get some sleep so I can wake up before 10AM (um, fail). So it’s around 1AM and I’m listening to the bears epically battling and it’s actually putting me to sleep because I need to hear sound when I sleep and the soothing noises of bears gouging eachothers eyes out seems to be working. So you know when you’re almost asleep? Like, your mind starts drifting into sleep land, your body relaxes, and you are about to be in a coma in 3 seconds? Okay I’m right there, laying on my back, about to fall asleep. Suddenly, I hear what sounds like gunshots RIGHT outside my window. My body went up 2 feet off my bed in the horizontal position and I fell on the floor like a flopping fish. And the shots keep going I feel like I'm in Vietnam or something getting fired at but the windows aren't breaking or anything so I should be okay and I then hear “yeee hoooo!” okay I’m living on a rock in the middle of nowhere and there are no crazy people here so who are you crazy hillbillies shooting the bears at like 1AM? Anyways, it ended up being some of the fishermen lighting off fireworks and shooting flares because they must have caught a lot of fish, or were just nuts. Scared the hell outta me, and the bears too, didn't hear them again. On a bright note, I think I wasted so much energy with my flop and fall that I slept like a baby after that, well after locking my door and windows.

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