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Monday, August 13, 2012

Bears Galore

Today was a pretty slow day, but still awesome because duh I’m in Alaska people. I slept in and then did Insanity and obviously it killed me but I need to stay on top of my marathon training as much as I can and I really do not feel like running here! I could get a great workout if I strapped a salmon to my back and ran let me tell you, I’d have a billion bears chasing me! Reminds me of a time we were trying to get a friend off the ski slopes because he kept falling everywhere and we wanted to leave so we got him down the mountain by putting onion rings in our pockets because by then we knew he had to be starving and boom kid didn’t snowboard down the hill, but he sure as hell rolled down because he wanted those onion rings. Random, I know. Anyways, watched “I Love You Man”, great movie, then went down to the fish ladder and took 800 billion pictures of the bears because there were a whole bunch there. I’m either getting dumber or braver, but I told myself to “sac up” and got pretty close to the bears (with the electric fence OFF) and got a ton of cool pictures. Even like senior portrait style- me all natural with bears- not as pretty as all dressed up, but pretty sick backdrop. Well that’s about it, enjoy the bears- I’ll see you then or I’ll see you some other time, magooch (please tell me someone picked up on that).
Little baby caught a fish!

Guilty dog look- "I know I'm not supposed to come up there" No you aren't get away!

Let's shake hands before we bite eachothers faces off

Yum yum.

Somebody just got beat in a fight by a girl...

The 3 Stooges trying to catch a fish

I do not like this big mean boar!!!

Goin for a fish!

Okay I need a cuddlebuddy- you are cute and fuzzy and warm for my cold toes at night and I just want to snuggle up with you but you probably have the worst morning breath of eternity, and I don't think your claws would feel good in my back while we spooned. Oh well... it was a nice thought.

Watching the bears!

Unity College alumni (well, except me I just left) hanging in Kodiak with the bears.

Senior portrait rugged Alaskan woman style.

I'm a bear.

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