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Saturday, August 18, 2012


Today was the best of the best. Things I wanted to accomplish when I woke up this morning: see some sea lions and puffins, and go for a walk on the beach. Scott: "As the rain cleared, we actually got to enjoy a nice day" (had to add in commentary from my housemate) ANYWAYS instead of accomplishing just that, we ALSO (well, as in we I mean either me or Scott) found some deer antlers (caugh me)- this is how  it went down- we pull up on the beach and I say "let's have a competition on who can find deer antlers first" Scott is getting the boat together so ya know it doesn't get beached and we don't get stranded and my candyass runs onto the beach (literally runs) and finds 2 antlers right away- "HAHA I FOUND TWO!!"- the only two. Oops. So Scott also caught 2 whales today aka a 68 pound halibut and a 50 pound lingcod- okay not quite whales (he really has caught whales before, more Scott commentary)- btw my computer smells like its gunna catch on fire. Anyways, we saw black rockfish feeding on the surface and I caught a bunch and a quillback thingy BUT I got to play pinyata (how do you spell that?) with a black rockfish and dang that was such a swell time that I videotaped it- okay if you give them head trauma at least they don't suffocate to death, right? It's good times. So we see bunches of puffins and sea lions and whales (which one had smokers lung because it was puffing out BLACK smoke- woah there humpback, chill out on the cigs) and the best was a porpoise with a BABY! Right near the boat. What's more cute than a baby porpoise (except fuzzy wuzzy bear cub- gotta nab him from his mom in 2 days she won't be happy). Oh I dropped Scott's lens cap to his camera under a dock, then was too scared to get it because there were bears everywhere (Scott says we saw fireworks too... totally ahead of what I'm writing, but it happened nonetheless) so I told him I'd pay him $10 to go get it but he's not afraid of bears so he did it anyways. So we got back from fishing and I took pictures with the fish and we filleted them and I did a GREAT job skinning massive halibut fillets and lingcod and then we went to the bunkhouse and had a great dinner and played beer pong (I have no attention span for pool Scott says. True statement). Then we saw fireworks! It was an epic day. Enjoy the pictures! 2 more days oh my can I have another week pleaseeeeeeeeee!?

Fuzzy wuzzy! I'm going to miss you baby :(

Hey, howzit goin?

Cool kelp greenling fish from the deep!

What up quillback?

Fly away puffys! So cute.

Found these on the beach. Showin off my antlers near puffin rock

Hey babe, how you doin?

Gahhh I'm COVERED in fish guts!!!

50 pound lingcod and 68 pound halibut. Boom.

Arnold face. Scotts 2 pigs and my little seabass!

Wooh trying to hoist this beast up.. need a good squat.

Holding the lingcod- thing comes back to life!!! Ok, I was shocked.

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