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Friday, August 10, 2012

A Little Personality, A Whole Lotta Pictures

Early morning canoeing
Having some words... not good ones either.

Okay seriously if just one of you could give me a hug without ripping my face off, that would be great.

Seine net everyone is working on
The gorgeousness surrounding this place... and the cliffs I'd like to see a bear cannonball off.

Babys ready to back mom up if she needs it. Um, look at the claws, woah.

Way you find a whale: listen for a "PSHHHHH" you'll see one everytime.

I love salmon.

Young eagle- mom and dad were making pretty noises (aka planning ways to rip my head off) in the trees.

This is my favorite bear cub around- so cute, fuzzy, and chubby!

This is why I catch so many fish... they are EVERYWHERE!

Fish, check. Fish blood pants, check. Gorgeous view, check.

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