Hiking, Alaska style |
Fish on! |
So, I'm going to need some ritalin out here or something because I have not been able to tell a full sentence all day. So things I did today that were productive to my future: limnology sampling in lakes- including do meter, secchi disk, plankton tows (woof, I have plankton!), temperature, light meter all that business. Things I did today that were NOT productive for my future, but were typical "Molly" activities: 1) Get distracted by delicious salmon berries, start chowing down, and eat shit on the trail, ripping my rain pants that I just spent oh 70 bucks on. 2) Tangle the $14,000 do meter into a mess- don't worry it isn't broken 3) Get distracted by nothing and get taken out by the canoe, falling on my butt yet again. This was all before we were off from work- ha. So this afternoon we went out "fishing" again. By the quotes, I mean the second I dropped my line, some awesome thing would pop up near me and oh, Scott, here's my pole because I need to take 8 billion pictures! Well, we started with the pink salmon. They were schooled up all over the place, so I was taking some video and just zoning out on how cool it was! I could watch them chasing my spinner into the boat but they would not hit it! I was obviously commentating the whole thing like a big dork (aka "Oh here he comes, oh you suck- missed it! Oh here's another one ohhh you suck too, you're just too slow to catch me, fish"), but it was fun. Then we decided to try bottom fishing aka Molly has serious ADHD issues that she needs to work out. Prime example: We get to a good halibut spot, drop the line in. Me: "What kind of WHALE! WHALE! (drops pole and grabs camera) wow it's near the boat. Where is the (scream) AHH its right there". After taking some AWESOME whale pictures, we moved to another spot (while driving by some a-flipping-dorable puffins).
Whale Whale!
Double rodding it |
Within a few minutes, I had hooked "a rock". "Scott, I've got a rock, oh uh nevermind came off oh wait it's a fish, oh dang it's gone". Dude, I missed my first halibut. Half of my swimbait gooey thingy was missing. I.was.pissed. So we keep fishing and these awesome little porpoises decide to just keep popping up around the boat. Sorry bottom fish, ADHD girl cannot handle porpoises and whales surrounding her without taking pictures of everything. So we gave up on bottom fishing after a while, then we came back and sat in the cove while I took billions of pictures of eagles and baby bears. I watched some cubs fighting on the shore, and this big fat pig bear in the fish ladder trying to catch fish, but is keg belly kept getting in the way of him catching fish. Sucks to be overweight, tubs.
Baby eating some salmon. |
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