Hatchery from the float plane! |
Oh my god, I'm in love |
Sitting on the fish ladder taking pictures of bears! |
Yeahhh baby, first fish to eat and bring home! |
Uh, holy crap, bears.Everywhere |
“Holy crap” seems to be my new favorite phrase in life,
seeing as I said it about 5,000 times today. I woke up a little nervous about
the float plane ride, since I’ve never been on one before and I made the
mistake of reading “Alaska Survival Stories” before coming out here- seemed
like float planes crashed oh, all the time. There were four of us squeezed in
this little plane. The guys (so nice) let me be the copilot, leaving them basically
lying on top of eachother in the back! It was pretty hilarious actually. Once we
took off, it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced! We flew over
some fin whales and other whales (ok I’m telling myself I saw a killer whale,
even though I probably didn’t!). Let me know say I’m the most obnoxious person
ever. I have a headset on and I keep going “oh my god, is that a bear!? Oh my
god, is that a whale!? Holy crap, this is awesome, this is awesome (probably
sounded just like the guy from “I Love You Man” at the soccer game”. At the
time we finally get to the hatchery, I’m like grinning ear to ear. Bears
literally everywhere! Right when I got off the plane, Scott takes me to see the
bears. We turned the corner, and boom there, in the face. I jumped back about 5
feet when I saw it. Kodiak.bears.are.very.huge. And they are EVERYWHERE, and I’m
the only sally afraid of them. Believe it. Anyways, for the rest of the day I
got to go on a purse seine boat and see them move some salmon- it was so
frickin cool. Then we went fishing! Okay, so I suck at fly fishing. I’d probably
be better at flying than fly fishing, or just running into the water and
snatching up a fish with my teeth like a bear (or a goony-goo-goo if you’ve
seen Eddie Murphy’s “The Cookout”). All I kept thinking about was “I take those
kids fishing, they dip they heads in the water, and they comes up with fish.
Kids are bigfeet too”. Please watch that so you can know what I’m talking
about! So after giving up on fly fishing because I sucked at it and there were
billions of fish everywhere and I could not do ANYTHING, I put on a spinner and
caught a sockeye, coho, and pink salmon! It was so amazing- bears everywhere,
fish everywhere. I’m living in National Geographic- be jealous.
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