only thrown 1 major tantrum in my life. I was 5 years old and so
thoroughly enjoying my vacation in Florida that when it was time to go, I
lost my mind. My mom didn't know what to do with me because I was a
pretty sweet, mellow little child (do not even comment- maybe that's why
I'm not so sweet and mellow anymore). Whelp, I got so dang upset that I
puked up orange juice all over my aunt's leg before our flight home.
Sorry Dee. Anyways, that's how I felt this morning. Obviously, I didn't
throw myself to the ground and puke and cry like a barbarian, but I was
definitely in a pretty horrible mood. I was all words on my way to
Alaska on the float plane, but this time, I was quiet. Ugh, this sucked.
As most of you know, my moods change as fast as New England weather, so
I got over that pretty quickly. Though I am pretty bummed out that
Fuzzy was NOT at the fish ladder this morning, shoulda nabbed him
yesterday. ugh. So we got to Kodiak (the town) and my bank account took a
serious hit (from buying my family stuff- I know mom dad and Kel I
wasn't supposed to, but I did anyways). And I bought myself a bunch of
crap. We went to the top of some hill (I know, doesn't sound half as
epic when I call it "some hill", but Scott is out cold on the Seattle
airport floor and I really don't want to disturb him) and could see
EVERYTHING it was an incredible place. Good place for a wedding if you
ask me, except for the fog everywhere. But it was gorgeous. We hit up
the Kodiak Island Brewery, which I just could not seem to find. Place
looked like an old VCR store missing it's signs, definitely not
"Brewery" looking from the outside, but the inside was sweet. We also
made it over to another fish hatchery and watched them spawn out some
king salmon, and I got to hold them and help out a little bit (enough to
get blood and iodine all over my pants...that I'm traveling in). So
bang Kodiak time is over. The flight to Anchorage is stunning- glaciers
and ocean and green beautiful mountains everywhere. I would just fly
back and forth over that area all day long. So we land in Anchorage and
boom there's a bull moose basically on the runway (5 points for ME!). So
the flight that we were just on was interesting. Way back when 2 weeks
ago I said I didn't want to get stuck with a chatty cathy next to me...
well, Scott and I were the chatty cathys. I pulled out my laptop and
played a slideshow of my trip and we were laughing and having a grand
time- Scott kept tapping on the guy next to us going "Look at this
one!". Dude ordered 2 shots and moved to sit in the back. Whoopsies! The
dude in front of us though, he smelled like a french whore. Like
literally, I can taste whatever perfume crap he (yes, he) was wearing
and I have a cold and it made my throat really dry. So we get into the
airport and the Frozen Treats place is right there, but closed. I know,
its midnight, but I don't care I want a frozen treat. So now I'm here
for the next 8 hours trying to figure out what to do. I was that weird
person in the bathroom brushing my teeth. The bathroom walls say "wash
your hands to prevent the spread of germs" how about brush your teeth?
The way I see it is, I just took extra precautions. So I don't know if I
can just sleep on the floor in the airport like Scotts doing it like a
pro and I don't think I can. Something about me just ya know conking out
on a floor that babies puke on, peoples bearshit shoes (aka Scotts)
walk on, and yeah. So some terminal is closing and I'm not moving Alaska
Airlines because I am comfortable sitting in my chair and not sleeping
here. So EXCITING news if you made it this far... umm I applied for this
TV show called "Top Hooker" (um, no I'm not selling my body) it's for
the best angler in the country- guys, I made it to the second round of
interviews. HOLY CRAP! What do you think, would I be alright for tv? I
think it could be thoroughly entertaining. Anyways, not to get too
excited but dang I'm just punch happy because I'm tired, and flattered
for the chance. Anyways, enjoy the pictures. I'll probably complain
about people in the airports tomorrow.
Pretty purple Alaska flowers |
View from the top of "Some hill" |
Thank you Scott for keeping me alive for 2 weeks in bearland. |
gotta love beer. |
How I feel about being in airports for the next 24 hours? |
Hahahaha- I was like "Scott, get off the ground, people are looking at us, this is society here!" |
amazing view. |
King salmon- looking like it came out of a horror flick.. kinda just got clubbed in the head. |
Kodiak boatyard. No Time Bandit :( |
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