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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

72 Seine Boats in One Bay? Um, Woah.

This boat caught a LOT of fish.

So it’s 11:15PM here (on Tuesday still) but the internet here is so slow its basically nonexistent so I’ll just post this in the morning. So another day flew by! Seriously time, slow it down! So my estimate of about 15 boats being here for the purse seine fishery opener was off by only 57- yes, there were 72 BOATS packed into this small bay. So I head down around 11:45 in the morning because the fishing starts at noon and I’m just like woah. So many boats packed into such a small space. Mind you, these boats have to make big circles in the water with their nets to catch fish. So the humor started before the fishing did. The assistant manager here got to do the deed of lighting the flare to indicate that the fishing could start: so as the flare goes off, this poor cute dirty old husky with different colored eyes that lives here gets so spooked she just eats shit and falls over this net. Hilarious. Then the flare goes a little low and hits this pine tree and starts smoking. Luckily it went out, but it looked like a forest fire was about to start for a minute. So the boats got rolling, as did the radio commentary. My favorite thing I heard today “Hey man, can you just pick which frickin side you’re going to, because there are 3 other boats trying to get in here”, Guy driving asshole boat, “Um, you talking to me? I think you’ve got the wrong boat I’m not doing anything”, Mad guy, “Unless there’s another (forgot the name) chugging around in this water, you’re the indecisive asshole so howzabout you pick a frickin side or I’m going to drive over your net” Asshole guy: Silence
Only a few boats of the many!
. I watched people make a circle around another boat that had already made their circle and started hauling fish- it took them about 40 minutes to get out of the larger set that was around them. I would have been pissed if I was the little boat! The coolest part of this whole thing was that the Alaska State Troopers were flying over in a float plane and dang I just felt so cool because I watch that tv show and I got to see them in action- not that they actually did anything interesting, just drove a plane around, but whatever still cool. So on top of the crazy fishing, it was pouring here today like seriously downpour all day. Soo I made some soup and listened to the angry fishermen over the radio and then made apple crisp.
There were a bunch around the corner too.
Scott made these delicious salmon burgers oh my jeez I need to make them with the copious amounts of salmon I’m bringing home I could eat them everyday. Another funny thing today: so I’m trying to get Scott used to real life (aka fake life) so I tell him: YOLO means “You Only Live Once” (which I only learned a few weeks ago) so when people say YOLO now you’ll know what it means. So you’ll probably hear that a few times back home. Scott: That’d be alright. Me: What the heck kind of response is that? Haha typical Molly- Scott conversation.
Don't tip over!
Another “Scott, is this mug dirty?” (I’m trying to load the dishwasher here so we can watch Planes, Trains, and Automobiles- yes I know, best movie ever), “Well, I used it this morning but I rinsed it, but I used it yesterday… starts another word” Me: “Scott, I’m going to make your life a lot easier. This is a “yes” or “no” question. There’s no need to find the gray area. I’m a woman, if I’m not asking for more description, it’s your lucky day and just say yes or no”. I swear he doesn’t hate me yet, but these are great life lessons. And purely entertaining for the both of us (or me at least because as we all know, I’m a bully). We also scored some free homemade beer tonight woot woot. I’m getting a lot better at fly earrings, and I found out I’m allergic to some weirdo prairie pheasant (the one with the beak attached) guess I won’t be touching those suckers anymore!

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