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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

(8/13/2012) The Art of Tieing Fly- earrings.

Peacock earrings! So pretty!

Last night, Scott made the serious mistake of showing me how to tie a fishing fly. Now as we know, I’d be better at flying than fly fishing, so there is no reason for me to learn how to tie fishing flys if I can’t get the dang line in the water without tangling it in a knot on my head consisting of line, hooks, my hair, and any nearby trees. However, the BEAUTIFUL truth of the matter is you can make hella nice earrings for yourself out of fishing materials. So poor Scott has all of his fancy fly tying bird feathers and raccoon hair and all kinds of stuff and this girl just ripped through it like a 4 year old in a candy store. So I’ve made two pairs of earrings so far, and Scott made me one wicked sweet pair out of peacock feathers. So I wanted to be a peacock 2 Halloweens ago really bad because I saw this awesome peacock costume and thought dangg that’s cool but Ryan really wanted to be bacon and eggs and him and all of our friends thought it was a fabulous idea so bang dropped 50 bucks on a damn bacon and egg costume we go to the Halloween dance and stupid bloody clowns win the costume contest… um come on people bacon and eggs is so much cooler than stupid bloody clowns. Anyways, I wish I bought that peacock costume because I have sweet earrings to match it, and apparently bacon and eggs didn’t mix so well so who the hell wants to be a stupid fried egg for Halloween with no bacon slice? Not me!
I'm not a model so I know I look like a goof. But these earrings are cool!
So anyways this earring fly tying thing is pretty addicting. Issue: Scott can make a pair in 10 minutes; Molly can make a pair in 2 hours because she is the most indecisive person on earth, and a total perfectionist (issue when dealing with feathers). Other issue: whatever animals (there’s a full out bird beak hanging off some of these feathers- I bet you thought this quail was alive… nope, it’s dead, it actually could have been taxidermized by Chuck Testa) are hiding under those pretty colors are making my face itch. And eyeballs. And nose. And everything. So, I know I’m allergic to possibly one of the following: squirrels, raccoons, crows, chickens, partridge, quail, pheasant, or rabbits. Nevermind all the other crapola that I have no idea what it is- all I know is I’m gunna have a whole zoo hanging off my ears by the time I leave Alaska. Oh, peacock too derr. So after I’m having an allergic reaction to one of the fluorescent dyed animal things, I decide to take pictures of the earrings on my face. Fail, round 2. There is no way to get my face at an angle while taking a picture of myself with both earrings. I know, sounds easy. Maybe I’m not thinking straight because I’ve sniffed some botulism off of a raccoon ass while making earrings, or maybe I’m just dumb. Anyways, I got a whole lotta face and hair and a little earring.
Blue pretty featheryness.
On a side note, Pantene, can’t you just hire me for a hair commercial? My hair is shining up a storm from your shampoo.  Going to try to catch some salmon tonight and get away from the fur/feather station for a little while so my face doesn’t blow up like a hot air balloon. The commercial salmon season opens here tomorrow soo I’ve gotta catch my limit before all those fishermen swipe ‘em up! So some other quick stuff before I go fishing: so I pissed and moaned about catching stupid rockfish because they were not halibut but let me tell you, they were frickin delicious and I need to catch more of the stupid things because they tasted better than halibut. Another funny fact- Scott and I had no crackers, so we traded with the other people here for crutons. I just find it hilarious that people actually wanted crutons! Like who wants to munch on some crutons in trade for delicious Ritz crackers? Pretty awesome, actually. Also, I opened the window here. I haven’t gone outside yet today because (its only 3 here mind you) I’ve been consumed and earrings and Insanity, but it’s COLD out there! And the fact that a Christmas song came on my ipod and my brain said “Yes, it’s cold out, seems like the time around Christmas, go ahead and listen to “I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas” in AUGUST is NOT okay. Next adventure (before Christmas J ?) hopefully some kind of tropical island so my body can reset itself into summer mode because I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed here tonight.

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