Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Okay, so before I get into this post about cool stuff like fishing and such, I need to talk about the weird thoughts that roll through my head as I sit out on the boat in the middle of the water surrounded by beautiful mountains: 1) Wouldn't it be hilarious if I bear went running down this hill and slipped and rolled down the steep part then did a cannonball into the ocean? Ha um note to self, see a psychologist. Then, while watching the beautiful little cute puffins, I start laughing because the little melons try to take off and they kick their legs like kangaroos while flapping their wings and they just look so dysfunctional and stupid that I have to laugh at them. Ha, note to self, see a psychologist. Anyways... today we started with more limnology stuff in the lake (Lake Ruth... okay weirdest thing ever my awesome supervisors name is Ruth THEN one of our commercial boats here is the Natalia, weirdly Ruth's daughter's name...). I managed to not trip, fall out of the canoe, or damage any expensive equipment today... umm gold star! The lake was glass flat and this loon was singing to us and it was just so beautiful and awesome.
Early morning limnology on Lake Ruth
We walked back through the SUPER thick brush aka Molly could get lost very easily in this. I felt like a grizzly bear today because I just kept eating the berries from the bushes the entire walk. Now I just need to start catching salmon with my hands. So we tried some fishing after that, but didn't catch anything. On our way back out to fishing this afternoon, funny thing happened. A bunch of us are standing on this net that is getting repaired while a few more people are standing 20 feet from us. This massive pudgy bear with serious saddlebags (probably 600+ pounds) comes rippin through the area, sees all of us and is clearly like "shittt" in his head (since they have been trained that people will throw either rocks or fireworks at them, both highly unpleasant) so this swine turns to run the other way and sees the few other people, then starts charging the other way and this one guy was standing there and we were all like "WATCH OUT" dude almost got run over by the bear, but the bear got confused again so it basically ran in a circle, which probably threw up after that because its belly was PACKED with food, and ran away. Pretty hilarious.
Fishing crew (minus me) Scott, Rian, and Kyle
So we went out bottom fishing again this afternoon and this girl hooked into a big lingcod, first fish of the day. It got right up to the boat, we got some awesome video, and oh, didn't get the gaff in it in time so it swam back into the ocean deep. Molly:0, Life: 100. BUT thing had some monster teeth! It was pretty slow fishing, except Scott caught a massive pig lingcod weighing in at 47 pounds (AFTER puking yellow goo all over my pants, so I'd go with 48 pounds to be fair)!!
Scott with 47lb lingcod
Thing was a beast (that's the one I'm holding in my pictures!). The other guys we were with caught some black rockfish and some flounder, and me and Rian caught "sea pussy". Apparently, "sea pussy" (note: I did not make this name up, the boys did) is what you catch after being snagged on a rock for a long time. You get unsnagged from the rock, and pull up these giant jelly gooey nastyass white blobs that look like a combination between a jellyfish, human brain, and raw oyster. Disgustinnggg.
Rian with a nice chunk of "sea pussy"
And they slime ALL over you. Anyways, glad Scott caught a nice lingcod or else I'd be eating a big bowl of sea pussy for dinner. Almost as appetizing as hot pockets.We all had some delicious lingcod fish tacos for dinner and I made salmonberry crisp. Boom, done, goodnight.
Molly& piggy
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