My dumb idea to get in the net- unfortunately,
we do not fit in it. |
Whats better than girls, fish, and cool sailboats? |
You know when you watch a really jumpy scary movie and your heart is beating at a billion beats a minute? If you've ever watched one with me, you know I jump and scream and look through a tiny crack in my fingers, total baby I know. How about when you are in the woods and its almost dark and you hear trees snapping around you? Not as scary as jumpy movies, but scary nonetheless. Now combine those two- oh hey, that's me right now. So we watched the Lady in Black or whatever the hell with Harry Potter in it. This bitch in black just shows up outta nowhere all the time and screams kills children and has a scary face and I'm afraid and it was the worst movie on earth and horrible and there was no plot and seriously though I'm still having a heart attack about it because, believe it or not, I get spooked like no ones business. So we finish the bitch in black and I have to walk up to the house because my intelligent housemate Scott went back before the scary movie. Aka walking alone already with my heart racing, add in the fact that there are bears everywhere, AND the fact that a big ass bear walked up the hill today and was outside the house and it was scary. Oh the fridge just made a noise and I almost peed myself just now. So I'm wearing a backpack up this hill and the stuff in its clanking and it sounds just like animals to me and I'm freaking out and my hands are shaking so I start clapping cuz well that's what made sense then I start coaxing myself and talking (poor people trying to sleep in this house I'm going into) "Hey Bears and Bitch in Black, I'm coming up the hill, and I REALLY don't want to see you or I'm going to need some Depends sooo please go away". I made it in the house. Phew. I'd rather run a marathon than go through that minute again in all seriousness. Anyways, today Scott Marla and I went fishing for some cohos we each caught one, we didn't stay out too long. I made everyone in the bunkhouse some pasta and venison and then we watched the bitch. Not too eventful, but fun! Btw, I'm pretty sure there is a bear walking on the porch right now. I made it just in time. Oh yeah, there is it's growling. Cool.
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