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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Killin the Cohos

Elephant bear
5 down, 5 to go! Go me!
First, let me show you 2, well 3, awesome bears. First bear= pigville to the max. This bear is SO fat!! Biggest I’ve seen so far- weight guess? I’d say 700 pounds. If this cow walked by me, I’d drop dead instantly. Second, mom nursing cub. One of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life. You see grizzlies as these vicious killing machines, but watch a mother nurse her cub it’s so nurturing and amazing. Anyways, today I slept until 10:30. Last time I did that? Dunno. Apparently bears were fighting last night and this morning, but also apparently I can sleep through bear battles, crazy Chinese roommate activities, and parties (yes, without getting roofied). So I needed a break from bottom fishing. Not that it wasn’t good times and fun, because it was, but I would rather catch salmon that goopy sea pussy and maybe a cod. So, we went over to the salmon spot. Boom, one coho salmon, in the boat. Boom, 2 coho salmon in the boat. Long story short, boom 10 coho salmon in the boat caught by ME while Scott used the EXACT same gear and could not get a stinkin fish to the boat. These 10 do not count the 2 that snapped my line because they were such beasts. In conclusion, I SLAYED the cohos.  Just filleted and vacuum sealed all of the meat soo uhh, who’s coming for dinner come September? Cuz I’ve got a crapload of delicious fresh Alaskan salmon, free of charge except some company in Little Rhody.

10 Cohos thank you very much! I love salmon.

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