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Saturday, August 10, 2013

There's No Turning Back, Keep Your Eyes on the Track

Hiked over 4500' in Mt Rainier National Park!
Beautiful and epic Mt. Rainier!

Fishing on the Smith River!

Holy Redwood stump!

California Coast

Me and my babygirl

Our family.
In 4 days, I will be on a plane to start a new life. Like, completely new life. Am I excited? Hell yeah! But I'm also about every other emotion you can be too: nervous, stressed, happy, sad, [you get the picture]. So since I last blogged, Scott and I accomplished quite a bit. April 20th we got a puppy, the love of my life! We didn't know what we were doing with ourselves, so we decided we would probably stay in New England until at least October to save money. We figured since it took me about 3 months to find a good rescue dog for my sister, it would take us the same. On April 13 we applied for a black lab, and on April 14th we were accepted to get Keta. Talk about a stressful week to get ready for her but she is such a wonderful amazing dog. So we got her, moved out of Rhode Island then took a 10 day trip from Seattle to San Francisco to celebrate our friends wedding. It was a ton of fun (and we managed to live 10 days on a road trip and not kill each other). We went hiking in Mt. Rainier National Park (BEAUTIFUL!), whale watching and camping on the Oregon Coast, sightseeing near Portland Oregon (we even saw Mumford & Sons in concert- so amazing!), fishing in Jedediah Smith Redwoods National Park (we didn't catch a thing but it was so beautiful), fishing on the Eel River in Northern California (I caught a chinook and Scott didn't- nah nah), camping in Point Reyes National Seashore, and then we celebrated our friends wedding in Oakland. It was great. But I missed my puppy obviously-10 days without Keta was torture. So before we went on our trip to Seattle-California, Scott found this position online. He was like "Umm I don't know if you are interested in this but it's worth looking into". I applied and was accepted (somehow). We are moving to Anchorage, Alaska. I will be going to the University of Alaska Anchorage as a Graduate Research Assistant studying sockeye salmon and paleoclimatology. Since I was accepted in June, Scott found a job working for Alaska Fish & Game as a Firearms Instructor (in Anchorage, only 6 miles from where I will be going to school). We found an apartment on a lake (fishingggg) and will be seeing it for the first time this Wednesday. Woah. So really all that's left to say is let the adventure begin- I will keep everyone posted on any excitement we have (really I'm sure there will be plenty!). Scott and my dad made it to Madison, WI so far and I will be flying there on August 14- I can't wait to see them at the airport! Then we have 1 week to enjoy the fishing and fun in Alaska with my dad before he flies home and we start work and school!

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