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Saturday, August 17, 2013

The House- City Livin'

So we made it through the drive, the flights. Long, horrible boring traveling to finally make it to Alaska. First let me say I love our place. For searching on Craigslist and our landlord being literally the only person who would even consider letting us come without meeting him in person with the dog, it is great. We are on the second floor with a wrap- around porch overlooking Cheney Lake, a lake stocked with TONS of rainbow trout. There is a dirt trail around the lake for walking the dog- Keta seems to love it (and there are geese and ducks everywhere annddd  Keta almost dragged me in after them). Keta has a new boyfriend, not to replace Duke, but she really likes this other dog. He is a black lab and is only a little over a year old. SUPER playful. So lucky for us, Keta gets tired fast and we can unpack. The city of Anchorage itself reminds me a lot of Riverdale Road in West Springfield, MA but like 10 of them. It isn’t like Boston or New York City with skyscrapers and heavy traffic everywhere. It isn’t completely silent where we live since we are still in a residential area, but it is pretty nice. Except for the goddamn grebes. Since we live on the lake, the friggin ducks and birds and eagles are all squaking up a storm all through the night. So the traffic sound isn’t the problem, it’s the birds. I guess it’s Alaska’s version of crickets. The nice thing about Anchorage though is the mountains. I can sit on my deck and look at snow- capped mountains like so vast and tall they make the White Mountains look like anthills. You can fish for Pacific salmon right in the center of the city in Ship Creek- so cool. I haven’t seen any moose yet or bears, but we are heading to the Kenai later this week so hopefully I will see a few! Keta can smell something though. There’s a section of the walking path around the lake that she’s like mom hurry your ass up something scary is around here. That’s about it for where we live- in conclusion, it’s not a cabin in the middle of the woods surrounded by wolves and bears, but it will do!
Mountains along the boys drive.

And this is my dog...

Welcome to Alaska!

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