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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday is Moose Day

Every morning I take Keta for a walk to the park- and every Saturday, I walk basically into a moose. Last Saturday, I watched that bull chasing the pee wees (still laughing about that, by the way) but today was a little too close for comfort. So we are walking on the path to the park and this stupid little rat dog is barking and I'm like well the dogs around here are like "Woah, a leaf dropped from the tree, I'm going to bark for 20 minutes about it" so I don't think anything of it. Then all I see is this little girl's face over the fence- her parents were holding her up high enough to see over it and I'm like hmm this is interesting. So then she starts going "Mommy, doggy too." and I'm all like doggy too? Then I look behind the pine tree I'm walking by and 4 feet from us is a moose calf- I'm sure the mother was either standing next to it or in the woods next to me so I'm like oh shit. My heart is beating a million miles a minute (meanwhile, Keta doesn't really even care she sees the moose and looks at me like, uh mom? what do we do?) so we walked real fast- I learned from the pee wees that running isn't the best option- and got away. Meanwhile, I then spent 40 minutes trying to find an alternate way home and got lost so then I had to walk through the moose area again but they weren't there- thank God.

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