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Monday, August 12, 2013

About 24 Hours!

So people have been making a trend of asking me, um, why the hell are you going to Alaska? Don't you have a good life here? So here is my answer. Uh, hell yeah I have a good life here. I have the most fantastic family I could ever hope for and they are always going to support me whether I'm in their backyard or in a grizzly bears back yard. My true friends will stick around and stay in touch whether I'm here or gone either (heck half of them don't live anywhere near me anyways!). But for me personally, here is not enough. There has always been a part of me just dying for more adventure. Granted, New England is great, but Alaska is like adventure on crack. Plus duh the salmon in Alaska! There is nothing even remotely close to that here. When am I coming back? I don't know. I wish I did so I could at least say "Hey I'll be home for Christmas" but I can't! I have to take this chance and ride it out and see how it goes "You only get one chance in life to leave your mark upon it, so when the pony he comes riding by you better sit your sweet ass on it". So I fly out Wednesday morning at 7:55am and I will be arriving in Alaska at 6:55pm. Concerns? Yeah, Scott and I forgot a trash can. Where are we going to throw our trash when we get there? Oh and do I have blinds or curtains? Like cuz this girl cannot sleep with people like creepin' and ESPECIALLY when Keta sees a moose and starts barooo'ing in the middle of the night. That would be a good impression for the neighbors: oh hey, yeah sorry my dog is barking at 4am, I forgot a trashcan and blinds, but everything will be alright tomorrow I swear! Also, I am dying just watching my credit card bill go up and up and up from Scott and dad driving up there I'm like oh youch that was an expensive fill up, okay that was too, okay it's time to get there and stop buying gas already. 45 fill ups later, there goes my bank account (and pay for next month, and the next one, and the next one... woof). Now how am I going to afford my trashcan and blinds? Scott and I will have to be those weird people that use skinned animals and curtains. Like okay we will hang the beaver over the bathroom window, okay this is a good spot for 5 fox, okay we will put the other 5 fox and an otter here. Sadly, this is probably normal. Gotta find a roadkill moose, skin the bugger, and use that as a curtain. That would cover like 3 windows. Today I went to this place called the Umbrella Factory in RI with my mom and sister an I saw a guinea hen and was like wow I should go pluck that things feathers off so we can make earrings with them. I think my boyfriend has totally destroyed any normal thought process that I ever had (then again, did I ever have normal thought processes? Probably not). Anyways, the next time I should write on this will be in an airport or Alaska. The most adorable thing- my mom wants to keep Keta's dog bowls because she misses her- and she's grown into quite the vacuum and her baby bowls are not big enough- that dog drinks a gallon of water in a sitting. Anyways that's it for now. Here's a picture of the 2 best friends that anyone could have that I broke up by moving I feel so bad. Duke is seriously sad and I'm sure Keta is too :(
Babies are bored in the boat.

Snacks? Please

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