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Friday, August 30, 2013

What's Been Goin On?

So I haven't written in a week because really we haven't done anything super interesting. Priorities have been:
1) Research stuff for my thesis so I kind of understand what the hell I'm doing.
2) Duck training Keta- we worked with her at the shooting range and at the park a lot- it's either hit or miss with her she can be fantastic one day and be a total punk the next. Anyways, we are hoping Sunday she will do well- we are going duck hunting. Slight aside: Scott told me this story about a group of guys who were duck hunting (about 30 miles from where we will be hunting) and they were in their blind doing their thang and boom they see a moose come rippin out of the woods, followed by a large grizzly. All of a sudden the grizzly just goes "yup I'm going to eat those duck hunters, screw the moose" and the bear goes shredding into the duck blind! Granted the guys had guns and killed the bear when it was 2 feet from ripping off their faces, but like, I'd die of a heart attack before that happened! Soo I'm a little worried about duck hunting. I'm planning on sitting with my .44 on bear watch the whole time and feeding the dog snacks so she doesn't bark and squirm. I hope Scott can blast some ducks so we can eat and not get eaten.
Anyways thats about all we have been doing- Scott's been working, I've been researching and keeping crazy pants puppy occupied. Sooo Sunday I will hopefully be alive to tell the tale of duck hunting.

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