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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bull Moose v. Pee Wees

Normal things people see at the park: dogs, weird people sunbathing, sports practices- you get the gist. Well, this morning Keta and I were doing our normal walk to the park when we heard some whistles. I was thinking ah shit stupid pee wee football always ruining our running time in the field. But as I turned the corner, I noticed a moose and running children. Yes, a bull moose was chasing the pee wee football team around the field while all the parents were frantic trying to get their kids into dugouts or something to get the moose away from them. Now what might be the problem with that? Well first kids are loud as hell. So the moose isn’t going to charge at the quiet people, it’s going to chase the loud ones- screaming frantic kids. So Keta and I walked past the chaos into another field further away to watch the show. The moose proceeded to run around and chase the kids so one superdad got pissed. He walked right up to the charging moose and naturally the moose started chasing the dude full tilt. I think the man realized he was an idiot so he jumped into a tree and climbed as high as he could up, then jumped over the fence on the other side of the tree to protect him from the moose. Talk about buckwild. Since superdad scared the charging moose away, the pee wees could take a breather and water break. I guess that’s one way to prepare for charging defenders. On another note, I’d like to thank the pee wees because had they not been there, that would have been me and Keta getting chased- that.would.have.sucked.

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