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Friday, July 15, 2011

Why Would Anyone EVER Buy A Waterbed?

So I have a pretty clear memory from my childhood. I went over my Aunt Bonnie's house and rolled around on her waterbed and said "MOM! I WANT A WATERBED" and of course she said no because she's an intelligent woman and knew I would probably pop it and flood the whole house. Let me tell you. My room is right near where the water hits the edge of the ship and all I can hear is water while I'm rolling around on waves. Who the hell would want that permanently? Like seriously sleep on a ship for a few days, it will deter your waterbed fantasies. Another thing I want to rant about it loofas (of lufas- those stupid bath things). You know how you get those for Christmas and are like "Gee, thanks for this beautiful loofa" though you are really thinking "what the heck am I going to do with another one of these damn things, I have so many I could stuff a couch with them". I would kill for a loofa right now. Like literally, I would pay the big bucks. I have taken a total of 4 showers on this ship, and still come out looking like a pig that just rolled in mud. I used like half my body wash trying to scrub all the nasty goop off myself but nope, I guess my hands don't work quite like a loofa would. Anyways, back to normal life because I'm sure you don't read this to listen to me rant about waterbeds and bath toys, yesterday went great. We had a lot of long steams between tows, then pretty much caught only a few things in the tows. NO BOULDERS!!! Woo hoo! Around 11, we starting catching a ton of quahogs so we did a set and sampled that area 5 more times and caught a ton more. The dredge pulled up a ton of nasty boogery-worm things from the bottom of the ocean. So I, being tired and not caring anymore, decided to crawl up into the slime (it kind of reminded me of that Nikelodeon show "Slime"'s slime) and pull sea creatures out of it. I accidently pulled a hermit crab out of its shell. It looked so naked and akward that I thought it was a deformed shrimp with claws. And I stepped on a skate, which further scared the crap out of me. We have a lot of tows today. We are just reaching Cape May- one of our last destinations close to shore-we will be moving further out starting tomorrow. Once we move further out, one of our fishermen Rick told me he starts trolling for TUNA! Hellll yeah he said he would hook me up. I am SO excited.

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