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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Now I definitely know why they call it "Dirty Jersey"

This area is practically desolate- other than garbage, sewage mud, and rocks. There are some clams, but not nearly as many as we found in Rhode Island and upper New York area. Last night, after we fixed the boulder incident, we caught a ton of rocks on our next tow, bending the whole bottom of the dredge under itself. It was ridiculous how powerful the rocks were to actually bend metal under itself. So, we did more work on the dredge (I am turning into quite the handy-woman: I can definitely make myself the bookshelf I want after this trip. If I can help fix a clam dredge while hanging over the ocean, I can make a shelf). We started clamming again around 8:30 yesterday night, and brought in some surf clams, which we ripped the meats out of to weigh. I akwardly enjoy cleaning clams out and ripping out the meats, it's kind of fun. I like to race. If I can get lymph nodes out of a deer brain with a grapefruit spoon, I can shave clam guts out of a shell like its nothing. We hit some rougher water last night, sending some waves over the side of the boat (heart attack!?). I was luckily (not) sleeping, but in my bed getting tossed around. I woke up feeling like I just fought (and lost against) a gorilla - or something huge and really mean. The water is definitely more choppy today: yesterday was really flat and nice. Today, not so much. We have some long distances between stations today- about 14 miles- I'm going to try to convince my crew to do some Zumba. Ha, we will see how it goes.

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