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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Tired

So I didn't get a chance to write yesterday because it was such a hectic day. From noon to 8 we were on our feet flying from station to station I probably measured like a million clams and quahogs. Maybe that's a slight overstatement, but it definitely felt like it. After our shift, we watched The Proposal which obviously made my day because I love that movie. There were some big waves last night- I heard some people on the night watch got drenched when they came over the side of the boat. Luckily, I was kind of sleeping in my bed while getting tossed around like a sack of potatoes. But I did sleep. Today was the same as yesterday, a little less hectic, but still go go go until about dinner time. This is our last long steam before a busy rest of the night. I'm starting to get tired and exhausted. It has been so hot everyday and being out in the sun moving and sweating just generally wears on you. I really want a big fat piece of dark chocolate. I keep getting chocolate cravings so I eat garbage food like oreos and graham crackers to satisfy it but nope nothing helps. I just need some chocolate. And an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. And a bath to soak the weeks worth of dirt and mud off me. I scraped my leg today on the way up the stairs (again) and it was bleeding everywhere. How attractive. And my hair was in my face while I was pulling out quahog guts so I totally forgot I had quahog all over me and proceeded to run it through my hair. I heard mayo makes your hair smoother, how about quahog intestines? Maybe it can be a new breakthrough. I still haven't seen a stupid whale on this whole trip. Seriously, don't whales live in the ocean? Or is that a myth? Because I've been on a boat for a week and a day and still haven't seen a lousy whale. Anyways, nothing else is new. If I see a clam mascot for a clam restaurant, I may beat the crap out of it to make myself feel better. Clams are just starting to agitate me. And lets not even start on quahogs, which we have recently started cutting open for meat weight. At least you can open the clams to get the meat out- quahogs have thick shells and they are really hard to [gently]open. So I just smash them against the ground and that seems to work just fine. When I get on land I can't wait to go for a run. And to go to the mall and buy myself a ton of crap that I don't need but I want anyways. That's about it for today. Last day tomorrow! Woo hoo. I can't wait until I can get a q-tip that I don't have to steal to clean all the crap out of my ears (yes, I forgot q-tips. how dumb is that?)

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