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Monday, July 11, 2011

Holy Crap, I'm going out to sea

So, between December and now, I have obviously been way too busy to write in this blog (or too lazy in my free time to care enough to write) but now I have something to actually write about besides my occasional volunteer experience- I am going out to sea. Not like for the Navy or for a fishing trip, but for a two week Clam and Ocean Quahog Survey with NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service. We leave today- in like 4 hours- and are coming back July 22nd (a Friday). That means that I am going to have to be on a boat for almost two weeks. Holy crap. I don't quite know how I feel- part of me is nervous, yet excited and anxious. The other part thinks I'm going to lose my mind out at sea for 12 days without seeing trees and mountains and walking on land and going to the gym and running and teaching Zumba. Either way, I hope to write about my experiences everyday. I have training this afternoon for survival, which I'm sure I'll screw up somehow (plan on something coming that involves me getting my foot caught in a red survival suit rolling around deck). We will see how everything goes! Hopefully I don't get seasick!

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