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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our Dredge Definitely Just Ate a Boulder

So on Tow 39, still in dumpy NYC and Jersey, our dredge completely ate a boulder. I'm talking like 800-1,000 pound boulder with a smaller 200 pound one shoved in there with it. The entire front of our dredge got destroyed, so we had to fix quite a few things. That happened around 4- it is almost 6 now and we are just finally back and ready to tow again. I had to use power tools-bad idea. I used a something something nut something to tighten something that involves a nut and it spins and I managed to whack myself in the face with it a few times. Classy. I used a wrench and a nut something too. I look like my dad after work, covered in greasy nasty lubey stuff and dirt and mud. We just had mussels for dinner they were so good. The constant eating continues as always. I will probably be pretty busy tonight, but will write more tomorrow.

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