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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Would I Do if My Life Was Normal?

If my life was normal, I'm sure I'd be bored. Or at least not half as interesting. Good thing I'm a junkie for doing stuff that encourages academic advancement and guarantees being a total and absolute disaster 24/7. In the past 2 days I have:

1) Almost fallen off a ladder while trying to vacuum shit from the bottom of a tuna tank. In the process I almost knocked over an ENTIRE set of lights (like those big long ones in schools? Yuh).

2) Engaged in an intelligent discussion in my class about solids on the seafloor from salmon net pen cages only to say "The accumulation of salads on the seafloor". Note to self: shut that hole in your face until you have snacks.

3) Dysfunctionality spreading to others: Today my group had to weigh our mini pigs aka rainbow trout that we are supposed to love and care for and feed. Fact: there is a magical fairy in the tank room because we NEVER get the same amount of fish every weigh up. Granted, our crowder blows but um I stood there holding it for a while and didn't see any fish escape. So when we finish our fish counting (One fish had an eye fungus- like, it looked like there was a ball of white puss inside his eyeball and it looked uncomfortable and Iwanted to just pop it for him [I'm aware that you are currently vomiting] but like, um no one wants to get their eyeball popped). Anyways, little porkys are getting nice and plump. So we thought we had 116 fish originally so we were feeding them for that amount- turns out we have somewhere between 130-150 (who the heck knows? Notamee!). Result: little starving fish that looks like disgusting eels. One of them looked so gross we put the poor little sucker out of his misery because he just needed to die. It was on Halloween that we killed him, I told my group I should bring him home and throw him in a Trick-or-Treaters Halloween basket and they all looked at me like I was um, nutsooooo. Here's the deal: kids on my street are little devils. They throw rocks at eachother, scuff up my lawn, and obnoxiously sing "Apple Bottom Jeans" Flo Rida song while jumping on the trampoline and yelling for hours. They told my sister "She better watch out because they are in the Crypts and the Bloods" Sorry Bro Montana, you'd be dead. Call me Scruge, but they deserve a rotten fish in their basket. The dog pooped in the yard the other day and then the gang of punks went walkin right through it- Kelly and I laughed hysterically (okay, I've stepped BAREFOOT in enough dog poop to laugh when it happens to others). Anyways, so that fish needed to be dead. Since we noticed they looked like worms and we all know how I feel about worms (NOT GOOD), we decided to feed them um twice that amount. Now they are fat little footballs and I'm so happy but yeah, seriously dysfunctional fish counts. So then when we finish, I go to pull out the crowder and it literally dumps water ALL over me. Okay, cool got a test after this in my other class (which took me 2 hours) now I'm not only miserable but damp and cold. I legit looked like I peed myself, but it's okay because if there is anything I learned from Billy Madison (other than the awesome song the sing in the end.... "My Billy, sweet Billy Boy... I knew you would go backkk") is that peeing your pants is cool, everyone does it. If anyone asked me, I was going to, in a straight face, say "Oh, damn, forgot to wear the Huggies today. I hate when this happens" and sit down. But, didn't get the opportunity. Anyways, that's about it for my nutty life. Side note: my Christmas pandora station keeps playing the damn Chipmunks I CANNOT STAND the stupid annoying chipmunks and their squeaky voices it makes me want to smash my computer into 2000 pieces. Okay, dunya.
Totally random picture (I don't take pictures when I'm vacuuming, talking about salad accumulation, or spilling water all over myself. BUT in my free time (ha, like that exists) a few weeks ago I painted all of these for Scott for his birthday and since my patience level is about that of a 9 month pregnant lady in mid-July, I'm pretty proud of myself.

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