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Monday, November 12, 2012

Someone (caugh, me) Has Deer Fever

The other day, I sat at my desk and did homework for 3 hours.... in my camo hunting pants and sweatshirt. I'd say I might have a bit of a fever... I've heard the word "hunting" too many times lately to not be dying right now. Massachusetts deer season (for people like me who are not talented bow hunters) begins two weeks from today. Um, two weeks too long! So in the fish and wildlife building at URI, I've heard "deer hunting" and "tree stand" and "shotgun" like almost everyday. Getting a RI hunting license is so tempting because like, I see deer all the time, and um I could be hunting before and after school. Issue: I hate ticks. There are ticks everywhere in little Rhody and let me tell you I get the heebie-geebies wayy too much to deer hunt in RI. My sister and Dukey visited me today for 2 hours. We took a 15 minute walk with the dog, and he had one on his nose (which I quietly removed because my sister loses her mind when it comes to ticks. Ticks are to Kelly as worms are to Molly... nothing good happens in the presence of either, only tears, heart attacks, and vomit). Western Mass has a few ticks here and there, maybe you'll get one on you. RI is like, maybe you'll get only 20 on you, if you're lucky. Woof, no thanks. Scott has already shot 3 deer (in Alaska, there are a billion deer and everyone gets 3 tags). His first deer was a dork deer like seriously, thing needed a bullet in the head. He had 2 points on one side, and then a big ugly drop tine on the other side. I'm sorry, but it gave the phrase "dickhead" a visual like seriously, this deer was a dork. Then he shot a nice 8 pointer that did not look like such an idiot. And yesterday he shot a 7 pointer. Scott asked his friend to take a picture of the deer to show me. Visual: Scott standing with a deer head looking like it just went through the French Revolution and got slapped into the guillotine, with a mangled up carcass next to him and a bloody backpack full of meat. Cute, like, the head is nice and all but ya know maybe before chopping the deer to pieces would have been a better time to take a photo? That's just my humble opinion. So what do I do for two weeks other than drown in a paper about ocean acidification, work, study, and go to class? Thoughts include: Run 5K's (did one yesterday, and am doing one next weekend: Gear and Beer= finish, eat bbq and drink beer. I'll run 3.1 miles for that!), listen obsessively to Christmas music (as if that's beyond my normal activity), try to plot out a way to bake holiday treats without eating them (already failing that one) and get a puppy (seriously lady, email me back already).
To distract myself from dying to hunt (not like I'm wearing camo or anything) I run with my family in road races. Miss Maizy in the middle with her horsie Star came in first place. Me and Kel on the other hand, not so much.

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