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Monday, November 26, 2012

Successful Opening Day for the Crew (no, not me)

Ronnie's 11-pointer (166 pounds!)

Dad's 4-pointer (doe?) 

Ronnie and his monster! Hopefully there are a few more up there waiting for me!
Today around 11:30AM, while I'm listening to a lecture about air stones, I see my dad calling my phone. I was dying to answer, but uh I'm a good student and I'm not going to just bust out of class. So at 11:50, I called my dad. He had shot a "doe" aka 4-pointer, and his buddy Ronnie shot a nice 11-pointer behind our house. Scott and I were pinning the gas all the way to Western Mass because the deer were clearly moving! On the drive I gave him a nice lecture: "Scott, if you shoot a deer on my property before me, I'm going to punch you in the face, scream, cry, yell, possibly throw up, and not talk to you for at least 3 days. BUT if you see a deer, obviously I want you to shoot it!" (Yeah, after that lecture I'm sure he definitely wanted to shoot one). Okay, so as woodsy as I am, I am still a woman! So we got to the house to hear my dads story. He went to Richmond, MA, where our Zone 3 (well, his, mine is a big fat LOSS in the lottery) tags. Around 9:30, dad looks up, and there came a doe. Shot 1, stood there, shot 2, bounding, shot 3, leg but still bounding, shot 4, slugs in the thick stuff aka nothing, shot 5, deer finally drops. He waited about 5 minutes, walked up to it, and the, at this point, "duck/boe", jumped up and started running again. He tracked it for about 2 hours to find that his "doe" was actually a 4-point buck (100 pounds). This is the second time this has happened. 2 years ago, my dad shot a "doe" and it was a spikehorn. Obviously, when your getting older and your eyesight blows, you can't see any antlers (yes, my dad has buck tags too so it's actually legal to be blindish). Scott and I decided that if my dad ever actually sees the antlers, it's going to be a hella big deer. So speaking of hella big deer, Ronnie killed a MONSTER buck today behind the house up on the mountain. He brought a rag full of doe scent with him, sat down, the wind swirled, and the buck came charging and grunting right into him, it was only a 15 yard shot. How about um, luck! So after seeing these deer in the yard, I grabbed the scent gland of Ronnie's big buck and rubbed it all over myself (okay, my gloves. Seriously, wiped my face and nose with buck pheramones, WOOF). So I go howlin into the woods to my deer stand. Oh, and I've been told that my cookies are good luck from Scott for about a month. Apparently, whenever Scott eats cookies I bake him in the woods he shoots a deer. Then, my dad ate a cookie before he shot his duck/boe. So it was confirmed that they are lucky. SO piggy here shoveled four cookies down the gullet but noneya, apparently men eat cookies and shoot deer, whereas women eat cookies and get fat. I guess I'll be visiting my treadmill later instead of gutting a deer. Anyways, I am going out all day tomorrow and since I basically smell like a buck in heat, hopefully I'll get something. BUT it was a really good day for the crew!

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