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Monday, November 12, 2012

Forgot about these

And here are some more cute bear pictures Scott sent me because obviously, it's like my life looking at the little fuzzy buggers.
So if this lady doesn't call me about a puppy, I'll take any one of these cubbies. We can eat snacks and watch movies and cuddle. You like salmon? Oh, well it so happens I have some! Little fuzzies... sooo cute.

So the only downside to having Scott steal one of these dolls for me is um, Mom's claws. She doesn't look too happy that he's taking pictures of her little family.... or maybe she's just disturbed that little baby is sniffing her butt? Either/or.

1 comment:

  1. i think that cub is looking at its mom's butt cause it has toilet paper stuck to her butt should have used Charmin
