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Monday, January 21, 2013

Oh Boy, We've Got Another Case of the "Daddy, HELP's"

So I haven't blogged in a while. Why? Because I'm a sporadic blogger. I remember "oh, I should write in my blog" and then oh, I don't. So here's the catch up. Hunting season was, well a typical season for me minus ya know breaking my ankle. See that beautiful beast to your left there? Yeah him. Well, I'm sitting in a good hunting spot in Richmond, MA. My dad and his buddy Dennis are like "oh, we are going to do a push for you like you should see a deer and ya know be able to shoot it". Good, awesome. It was a nice day um I didn't even have to wear my 30 pound wool coat (WIN!). So I'm sitting on my rock in the woods waiting for um something so I figured ya know why not use my deer call make some buck noises, maybe I'll piss off some pig (like the one of the left). So I make a few good buck grunts and sit back. Then I hear gobbling I'm like oh, stupid ass turkeys them BOOM. Buck was heading right for me, but Dennis was waiting to push for me that hey the sucker walked right into him. Dressed out at 146. Whatthehell! So I shot a tree to make myself feel better, then had to reload the goddamn muzzleloader after, which sucked (especially because I got tree bark stuck in the rod thing and then had to sit down with my knife and dig the stupid bark out- this girl is a disaster). Anyways, so Scott came home to visit for Christmas and hey! His little brother went outside for like, 5 minutes and shot a deer (kids 12). Scott said he had a lucky horseshoe up his ass. Well taking a kid with a lucky horseshoe up his ass hunting is better than a rabbits foot, eating copious amounts of cookies, and all the shit. So, Nate and Scott come up to hunt. Which, obviously, was a fail. Nate's feet got sore within like an hour. My dad and I kept on truckin further into the woods. The wind was howling and trees were falling all over- I know, safe. We had a doe and buck permit so if it was brown, it was down. So, we jump 4 deer. I've got a good gun, and a scope, and all that but I was so frickin flustered with all the deer running that I didn't even know what to do other than freak out in my head and not even shoot like a dumbass. After that, it snowed pretty heavy and honestly, I was just too lazy to go walking in 16 inches of snow- can you blame me? So, another year without a deer. Fail. So that was the close of 2012, bringing on 2013. Scott headed back to Alaska (boo) and I decided to do something I'm actually good at- ice fishing. Dad and I lasted 4 days into the new year before we had to get out on the ice. We set our 10 tip ups, and had constant action on Laurel Lake in Lee, MA all morning. Crappies, perch, pickerel, bass, everything. So, one flag goes up right. I slide over to it (because my dumbass forgot the ice pick things that go on your boots- okay almost took about 15 diggers) I hook the fish and it's fighting just like a perch so I'm like oh got another perch on cool. Well, then I saw the fish, and basically needed some huggies. It was a rainbow trout, but like, not the normal rainbow trout I see. This rainbow was the size of the pacific salmon I was catching in Alaska, at least 5 pounds and well over 20 inches. All I saw was the huge side and the rainbow coloring. I was like holy shit. "DADDY, DADDY, DADDY, HELLLLLPPPPPPP!!!!". It's funny how people resort to acting like babies in serious moments. Like, this was a serious moment in my life and I'm wailing like a 3 year old at the playground whose got his underwear caught in the swingset (yes, it happened to me). So my dads like "umm, yeah?" DADDY, GET OVER HERE QUICK, HELLLLP!!!!. Dad gets to the hole and I swear his eyes almost popped out of his head. This rainbow was thrashing like crazy near the hole. He saw the light and obviously did not want to be mounted on my wall for the rest of his life. I got his head as far out of the hole as I could and the (STUPID) circle hook popped right out. Dad went flying into the hole, grabbing for the rainbow, but obviously, it was slippery and smart. We didn't see another trout for the rest of the day. Why? Because papa trout went back down there and said "Guys, guys! You know how they tell you in church when you're about to die you see the light? I SAW IT! But it wasn't nice, there was this girl with a pretty deformed screaming some word that sounded like duck, and a weird red haired dude who looked kind of like santa grabbing me in the face. Seriously, if you want an easy way out, just eat a stick or two, but don't go towards the light!" Seriously, if this fishing season is going to be the season of the crappie, I'm gunna snap.

Dad with a nice largemouth!
First flag of 2013!

Crappie, my first fish of 2013. Though you are tasty mr. crappie, I'm a trout and salmon kinda gal.

Okay even though I missed the trout of my LIFE, we had a pretty tasty fish fry when we got home.

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