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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back Up, We Have a Couch

So we have been unpacking for the past few days and the house looked good except that ya know we had no furniture (looked like my apartment in RI on the day of the tragic earthworm incident). Sooo we obviously got some yesterday and it made my day. We decided to go tag saleing [like,everyone around here has a tag sale] but everyone was overcharging. I was like oh, how much is this dresser? Uhh $225. $225! For your stupid dresser!? Hell no. So we went thrift shopping [what what] which now I know the meaning of “pop some tags” because you take the tags off the heavy furniture to buy them. Anyways, we now have a home and it makes me so happy. Keta is very fond of the couch. So last night around 9:30pm Keta woke up from her nap and we went for a walk around the lake. There was a double rainbow over the mountains (seriously, I never have my camera when I need it) but we were getting poured on. We were watching this yellow lab do super long fetches for a buoy for duck training and I think our small pup got a little annoyed with our gawking over the other dog. She started going nuts on the leash so we let her off and she went nuts in the water fetching for a long time, it was pretty awesome except ya know when she didn’t want to anymore so her blue fetching toy was stuck in the lake (dad caught it fishing with a spinner). When we got home, dad and Scott raged about the people at the fishing spot. Apparently, the same players are at Ship Creek everyday [and you better believe they have names for them]. There is the “high plains drifter”- apparently this dude wears a Clint Eastwood hat and he just drifts and snags everything. Issue? Snagging salmon in many areas in Alaska is illegal. Why? You know how easy it would be to catch them! There would be none left. So this dude just snags away and leaves with his limit. How rude. Meanwhile, Scott and my dad snagged quite a few by accident but they immediately released them. Then there’s “Coon Skin Cap Black Dude” [this is in contrast to all the white dudes wearing coon skin caps, because there are quite a few] but apparently this guy circles everyone and goes “ya catchin’ fish?” and like, the second you get a bite he’s behind you asking if you’re catching fish. Then he swoops in and steals your spot. So I’ve been staying home the past couple morning while the boys fish to keep the dog busy because if that guy swooped in on my spot while I was catching a fish, I’d first ream him a new one, then grab him by his coon hat and throw his ass in the river. The men are much more patient than me. I don’t mess. But they caught 2 more fish for the freezer yesterday! It is slowly filling with salmon- one of them had a huge gash in its back from either a seal or eagle or something- it was a pretty big gash. But I am going out fishing today- I have named the fishing “plunking”. It is technically called bottom bouncing, but I like my name better. Plunking involves having a  heavy weight on your line and a hook with some hot pink fuzz and all you do is cast it forward (plunk in the water) and let it drift for a little while (like, 10-15 seconds) then just swing it back around and plunk again. This is what has been working at Ship Creek for the fish (very different from any fishing I have ever done). And EVERYONE is doing it. So at the river you hear seagulls and plunk. More to come later- we are learning a new fishing spot today a little more into the woods and in bear territory.

Low tide- huge difference!

2 silvers caught Saturday

5 caught today!

Gash- gillnet wound, eagle, seal? Who knows


Our cluttered but coming along living room [and couch]

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