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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Few Epic Events

Silver at Ship Creek

11)      Sunday night Scott and I went to Ship Creek and I caught a coho when a lot of people were not. Boom. Of course, I was drifting into la la land and I got a bite-awesome. I then wanted to catch it so bad that I rolled it through the mud thereby covering myself and the fish with nasty mud.
22)      We then went to Bird Creek on Monday night exploring the outside of Anchorage. Scott and dad caught a ton of pinks (I watched Keta so she would not eat all the dead decaying ones and get the rotten fish pukes-again, yes this has happened before). It was a much more remote spot than Ship Creek so it was very nice and the boys saw sea lions pushing salmon into the river. Keta was so tired she tried to climb in the trunk of the car to go to sleep.
Silvers at the Russian River

Beautiful sockeyes!


Caught by hand- impressive!

)       Yesterday we went to the Kenai Peninsula for the first time. First off let me say- absolutely incredibly beautiful. On the drive there and back we saw grizzlies and beluga whales and some mountain goats! There were glaciers everywhere in the mountains. So we were obviously going fishing for silvers- we wanted to go to Coopers Landing where the Kenai River and the Russian River meet. When we got there though, it was such a rip off you had to pay to park then pay to take the stupid water ferry across the Kenai to get to the Russian. And there were a ton of people there. So we decided to look around some more and found the Russian River campground. They said we could park in the campground and walk down to the river. The campground trail to the river is so well maintained- they have these really nice planks and stairs to walk down (opposed to the bear trails and mud paths we had been using).When we got to the river it was just awesome- red HUGE sockeye everywhere with silvers, rainbow trout, and dolly vardens mixed in. Oh and a grizzly bear just fishing upsteam with us. Keta was having a ball just jumping on the fish trying to catch them- it was awesome. So the zone was fly fishing only with only light tackle. I, as we all know, can’t fly fish for shit but I had to make it work to fish there. Meanwhile other people just completely didn’t follow the regs- irritating! We were wishing the wardens would come down to the stream- people were using spinning rods, baitcasters and super heavy weights and much bigger hooks than regulated. Considering that we were actually following the regs, we did pretty well. We each caught a ton of big red sockeye- I wish I had money to pay to mount one they are incredible. All the big males were about 12 pounds and had massive hook jaws. I also managed to run like a bear and grab a jack sockeye by hand- how pro is that (I was so proud).  There were friggin MASSIVE rainbows in the stream but it was hard to get to them through the sockeye- none of us succeeded. Then Scott and dad caught some big silvers and we headed home. It was just an awesome day- I want to go back every day! Oh, and my waders suck. Aside from the tread ripping off the shoes from the mud, they now leak through the shoes- I was soaked. Redington, you suck ass.

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