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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Seattle... Second Best Place Ever

I love Friday Harbor!

Awesome porpoise right next to the boat!
So since today I dumpster dove to remove a dead tuna (so it wouldn't stink up the dumpster) and the dumpster was full of corroded butterfish/squid slop and stunk like rottenness and death and I can still smell it in my nose and haven't eaten anything since because well who wants to eat when all they can smell is a rotten dumpster full of tuna (long sentence, sorry), I decided to blog about going to Seattle since I didn't get the chance. So first off, let me say I've met two awesome people online in odd ways. Not like through or any business like that, but from me being crazy. Example 1: One of my best friends (I swear we are brother and sister and were separated at birth) Jason and I were in a sandwich shop at 7am before heading out fishing. It was the morning after a hard Patriots loss (always gets me fired up) and I am going off about all the refs and different plays with the deli man and Jason is chiming in and finally the guy goes, "Damn Jason, where'd you find this gal". We both looked at eachother, laughed, and said "Craigslist". The deli man's face looked like he just got slapped in the face with a bucket of dead squid (ha, probably similar to my dumpster face). Anyways, Jason was my landlord/roommate this summer so that's the first awesome person I met (psh, and everyone thought I'd get raped for finding a Craigslist roommate..). The second one, who you all know by now, Scott (who I'm now dating) I met because I was a crazy person and needed to go to Alaska so I was like oh hey I don't know you but I'm going to come and live with you for 2 weeks and go fishing and eat sweet ocean snacks and look at bears. Funny how love works out, huh? Anyways, now I can tell people, "In the first five minutes I met my boyfriend in real life, he threw me in front of a 600 pound grizzly bear" That's fact, people. Anyways, since I've been dying to go to Seattle forever (besides, University of Washington SAFS is my TOP (and only at the moment) choice for grad school- obviously I had to go visit and make my point that like, I'm smart and fun and a good student and not a prestigious a-wad but can still be smart and intelligent and a good presenter- well, I don't know if I made those many points, but I hope so). But anyways, we went to Seattle. I loved UW, I loved Seattle, but really the fun day that like, everyone wants to actually hear about was adventuring. So Scott told me he had a surprise for me, but wouldn't tell me what. We just drove North and my hints were "Tulips" and "Shoot something". What kind of BS tip is Tulip? Oh, thanks glad we are going to pick tulips and frolic in the poppies like idiots, could have just watched with Wizard of Oz for that. And shoot something? Well we didn't have guns. I told him if he was dragging me north to play paintball, I was going to kill us both. So we pull into Skagit (never go here, ever) aka the international porta-potty supply city. Seriously, it's a city full of portable potties. I was pissed. So we get out of the worst place ever (thank goodness) and since, well, I'm mad and yelling and won't stop talking, even though I told Scott he was getting the silent treatment- we all know how good I am at that deal- he tells me we are going to Friday Harbor for a killer whale watch. Plot synopsis: Picture Molly, age 5, with her etch-e-sketch in her underwear dancing profusely to "Hold Me" by Michael Jackson. 19 years later, I was almost that excited (I txted my mom: "Mom, me and Scott are going to see the killer whales today! Should I dance around in my underwear and sing Hold Me?" she goes (oh my gosh mother)   " I'm sure Scott would enjoy that" almost hurled up my breakfast, thanks for that Nanco). Anyways, we go to Friday Harbor THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH! I love that town I need to move there like, now sorry Little Rhody, Friday Harbor takes the cake, brownies, chocolate, and guacamole (that's big time). So we get on this killer whale watch boat and within 3 seconds they stop and say "oh, look a sea lion" me and Scott are like wot waa borrrrrring. Then OH LOOK! An eagle... booooooring (meanwhile everyone else is like "A bald eagle, oh my door nuts (please tell me someone knows where oh my door nuts comes from)") Anyways, this basically happened to us all day and uh no killer whales. boo. BUT we saw some awesome dalls porpoises that were riding the boat, they were pretty badass. We took 800 pictures of them and had a ball watching them, and the scenery was just incredible (which we also took 200 pictures of). OH so shooting= with the camera (LAME) and tulips (I guess Skagit, pottyland, has a tulip festival every year? I know one thing, that's a festival you can go to and never wait in the line for the can). Scott and I also illegally photographed everything in sight so we could make it ourselves, and molested (well that was me) tribal statues. Oh, and I'm sure we were really classy because my hair was caught in his beard the whole time- we know how to roll high class. Anyways, Seattle and Washington and Friday Harbor were fantastic. Enjoy the pictures!

Haha oh hey totem pole man.
More dall porpoises (seriously, we took 800 pics)
INCREDIBLE scenery- those are mountains!!!!
They like snacks.

Pike Place Market- so much delicious seafood!!!
Haha my favorite picture! Oh ducks, here's a treat... why are you running away? Oh the dog, yeah.

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