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Monday, September 23, 2013

Recent Photos from Duck Hunting Adventures

Keta and Ruger in the blind waiting for some action.

Early morning hunt! They got 6 teals and a mallard!

Back out that night, got a snipe, teal, and northern shoveler

Another round of duck hunting- no luck!

Snow is heading down the mountains

Snowline on the ridge- gorgeous.

Scott and I walking back to the truck at sunset. No ducks.
Scott Parker and the puppies went out this morning. The snow worked its way down to the marsh.

Two excited buddies! They did great today got 6 teals, a snipe and 3 pintails [and I got to sleep in, win]

Ms. Keta was pretty tired and sore after all this hard work- yes, she's sleeping.

Scott and Keta with todays killings (Parker shot some of these and Ruger retrieved some too!)

Not sure what killed what...

Keta is beat and wants belly rubs all day long.

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