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Sunday, September 15, 2013

In The Face

Last night we went out duck hunting (yes, again) with our friends and their lab. We didn't quite know how it would go- miss Keta loves playing with Ruger soo we figured that might be what happened the whole time we went out hunting. We met at the flats around 6. Oh, and Scott and I sucked it up and bought me waders- best decision of my life. It made a HUGE difference. Instead of falling in huge holes and getting soaked in the first 30 seconds, I stayed dry the whole time- so much more enjoyable. So we all get out on the flats and there is this cow moose there (in picture above) and she kept sneaking towards us which was alarming to me because like, theres no way in hell I can run away from this thing if she decides she feels like trampling me.So she's inching closer and closer to us but the boys blasted a duck and she was like oh shit, no thanks! So long story short, it was sunny and beautiful. The guys shot 5 ducks (these assholes that cut us off and walked around us shot at 2 ducks but couldn't find them- karmas a bitch- because Ruger (our friends lab) found both of them. So we left with 5 mallards, a snipe, and a teal. The best part of the day was right when we were leaving. Alison and I (the women took the easier route- good thing because the boys were flailing in chest deep water) were walking to meet up with Scott and Parker and Alison is like guys, duck! Parker shoots the thing, which its wing gets shot out (his ammo didn't put out a good spread) so the duck literally flies right into Scott's face. Like, if he had a bayonet he could have made a duck kabob. It was hilarious. So obviously Scott shot the duck again and the dogs found it. Both dogs did fantastic and it was a great workout for us. We had bacon eggs and pumpkin beer for dinner at 10:30pm and it was the best thing ever. Plus our friends gave us some caribou meat- omg caribou jerky is possibly one of the most delicious meats I have ever had- Keta was attacking me while I was eating it- it's that good.
Beautiful moon

Red mountain tops

Followed by blue

Two awesome dogs and great buddies! Keta on the left, Ruger on the right.

Us and our (tired wet cold) babygirl.

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