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Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Beginning

So, I should have started this blog a long time ago, but the hectic life of a college student always stands in the way. As most of you know by now, I'm Molly McCarthy, a junior at Unity College in Maine with a double major in Environmental Writing and Aquaculture & Fisheries. Oh, and a minor in wildlife. Due to this combination of writing, fish, and wildlife, I figured a blog about the different adventures I take while thriving to be a young biologist would be pretty cool. So, lets get started...
My interest in fish and wildlife came early: instead of playing with dolls like other girls my age, I caught frogs everyday afterschool in the pond my dad had built so he could teach my sister and I how to fish. Before I was 5, I could cast my own pole (even though it was push-button) and catch fish: all by myself. Hunting wasn't quite brought into my life as quickly, my interest only began when I saw one of my dads deer hanging from my swingset. Despite my disapproval of location, I was enthralled. After my first taste of venison, I knew I would hopefully be hanging a deer in the front yard someday.
So, here I am now, 20 years old and pursuing the same interests as I did when I was young (though I don't really go and catch frogs all that often anymore). I have taken on some interesting adventures, to say the least, throughout the years. In high school, I became an intern at the Cronin National Salmon Station and met a biologist who urged me to follow my dreams and work with whatever made me happy. After graduation, I moved into the small town of Unity, Maine, and the rest is history.
Lets start with this semester, my first semester of my junior year. JUNIOR YEAR! Wasn't I in high school, like, yesterday? It's weird how time flies by. Since I am so close to getting into the real world (talk about heart attack) and having to find a full time job, I figured some volunteer experience would be beneficial to me. This blog will mainly explain what I do (from pulling out moose teeth to loading a truck with thousands of fish) and the unique (to say the least) people I meet along the way.


  1. Love it so far Molly! I am experiencing the same heart attack of being only three semesters away from entering the real world. How the heck did we get here? Looking forward to reading more about your adventures love! :)

  2. Hey Han! I am so glad you like my blog so far! Thank you for joining! And yeah how did we grow up so fast again? I sound like my mom when I say that but jeez, wasn't I like dressing up for prom a few weeks ago?
