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Monday, October 29, 2012

So, We Caught A WHOLE Lotta Trout

This fantastic (horrible) hurricane has allowed me to catch up on some things I have been slacking on aka writing on my blog (well, in my defense, homework and grad school apps came first.) So Saturday morning we woke up to pouring rain on Lake Francis- figures. No rain was going to pull us away from the fishing though, well especially me since I drove so long! So we got in the boat around 6:30 and started trolling some live shiners, needlefish and mooselooks on top. I was DYING to try my orange Kodiak Custom spinner that I picked up in town in Kodiak in August. We left the shore and within 2 minutes of trolling my spinner I hooked up a nice rainbow trout!!! I was so excited. It not only hooked one, but hooked up about five more as the day went on. The rain continued pouring down, but the bite was on, so really fishing > staying inside in the rain! The lake was like glass in the rain, so we decided to go into the inlet where Cedar Steam comes into Lake Francis. Our usual goal when fishing Lake Francis is to "get into Cedar". We try almost every time, but my dad's old 14ft aluminum boat cannot handle the whitecaps from the wind blowing across the lake! Cedar is a place where we always can catch fish. When I was in high school, my dad and I went up to Lake Francis for a weekend and slipped into Cedar. In an hour, we had caught 17 salmon, all of which were keeper size. I remember I was trying to reel in 2 poles at once as was he! This time in Cedar, we had pretty good results! We caught rainbow after rainbow. The rainbow trout were beautifully colored, as was the foliage surrounding Cedar. We fished all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday catching  a total of 27 rainbow trout and 5 small landlocked salmon between my dad, mom, and myself. Not bad at all! We released most of them, but kept just enough for a good fish fry! I would say it was a successful trip!

Nice landlocked salmon I caught! No, it's not orange, that was my mom's rain gear!

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