So I recently was reminded of the fact that oh yeah I have a blog and people do read it sometimes so I should probably start writing again. Since October, nothing too exciting has happened. Duck season died down, Scott tried to go goat hunting but the weather was horrible, and we've been ice fishing quite a few times but haven't caught anything incredible or worth bragging about (boo). School/ work has been consuming my life lately which is good because I'm getting a lot done now so that in the summer when I want to go fishing I won't feel as pressured by deadlines. Scott and I recently went on a couple cool trips: Talkeetna for a few days with Parker, Allison and Ruger before Christmas, and Hatcher Pass for a day. Talkeetna is a really cool little town and it was a ton of fun just ice fishing (which Scott and Allison caught 2 nice rainbows that tasted quite delicious) eating sourdough pancakes, drinking beer and playing cards. Hatcher Pass is probably the most beautiful place I think I've seen yet. You are in the mountains looking in the distance at mountains while surrounded by mountains. Many people strap on snowshoes, hike to the top of the mountains, and downhill ski down. I want to SO badly but the avalanche risk is high. I told Scott to just watch and call 911 if I get avalanched but apparently he's not that sick of me yet (maybe next winter). Keta is enjoying the winter as much as she can- she loves the snow but we really don't have much! I have been taking her to an indoor dog swimming pool every Friday to keep her busy and excited about swimming- I'm a sucker for my dog, I know. I have friends coming to visit this weekend and then in 3 weeks my sister and (basically non-biological)sister are coming to visit for a week. I am so excited to see faces from home up here- it is really hard being away from family all the time! I definitely took for granted the ability to drive home for a weekend when I lived on the east coast- now it's like "yeahhh, maybe I'll make it home for next Christmas?". But either way, we are still enjoying life up here. It has been such a mild winter- we have almost no snow here because we had a serious melt in January- it was in the 40s everyday for almost the entire month. Now, I enjoyed this, but I was looking forward to some good skiing here, which hasn't happened yet. I cannot help but get excited to live my first full Alaskan summer. I had 2 weeks in 2012 (which I blogged about and still laugh at), 2 weeks in 2013, and now I'm going to have the entirety of the salmon season this summer. I am so ready for good fishing again, it's torture waiting for the salmon to come back! Scott and I have seen the northern lights a few times and got a couple okay pictures- one night they were just going completely crazy but I wasn't home and by the time Scott's camera decided it wanted to work, it was the end of an incredible display. I really hope they are out when my sister is here! That's about all that is going on now, some exciting events will unfold in the next couple weeks so I will do my best to write about them on here!
Morning drive towards Glennallen, AK |
Family photo with the glacier behind us |
"I wish that I could stay forever this young, not afraid to close my eyes" |
In the mountains looking at mountains |
Hatcher Pass with my little brat |
The ice on the stream edge was blue from the glacier meltwater |
Free time: practice shooting dall sheep dummies |
Oh and our friends gave us a rack of moose ribs, they were HUGE[and are tasty]! |