As I write this, Keta lays next to me on the floor farting loudly and pawing at the "other dog" in the oven. I don't know if she's farting because she's distressed, or if she wants to see if her twin will fart back. I feel inclined to share the experiences that I deal with everyday with a dog-child. Animals are odd (yet hilarious). Anyways, lately on our days off we have just been hunting. A few weeks ago we went grouse hunting with a bunch of friends and I shot the only grouse, a spruce grouse. This is literally exactly what happened: I was walking with my friend Allison and her dog Ruger through the thick spruce eye-gouging death and I just got this feeling that I was being watched and said "I know you're in here buddy. I'm gunna find you I know you're watching me" and just like that, the grouse flew up and landed in a tree right in front of me. So, I blew his whole bottom half off (oops) and Ruger caught her before she even hit the ground. I also saw a hare, but thought if I shot at it, the pellets might hit the boys, so I refrained. Instead I was yelling "Guys, HARE, coming towards you!" So Scott starts saying "BEAR!?" and I'm yelling hare and he's yelling "BEAR??" and then our friend Jeremy chimes in "RABBIT!!" But obviously it was a lost cause by the time Scott associated that I was saying hare not bear. Which, he should have known considering if there was a bear, I would have been yelling "RUN!" or "Oh Shit!". Psh who says boyfriends know their girlfriends well, huh? Anyways, then the Monday before this one Scott and I decided to try fishing again because we were hearing that rainbow trout were hitting hard up north. So, we had our friends watch Keta for the day (she is really a horrible fishing buddy) and headed up to Talkeetna (about 2 hours north). We fished at Montana Creek and brought our guns just incase any upland gamebirds came our way. Well, after not catching jack shit for about an hour, we noticed ducks kept flying over us. So, we ran back to the car and got our guns, and layed on the ground and crawled through the woods to the pool where ducks were landing. The whole crawling process is never fun- and I got a new shirt and wore it (I know, why would I wear a new shirt fishing!? I don't know) and got crawling juice all over it. Anyways, I ended up shooting the only duck [Scott further sucking and not hitting anything], a big fat pig hen mallard. So Scott is like "you need to clean this one yourself" (clearly, he's upset by me beating him twice in a row). So I'm cleaning this duck and I'm like damn this thing stinks. Like, I've basically climbed into the butt of a deer and it didn't smell that bad (if you don't believe me, read one of my first posts about sucking blood from deer). Anyways, this duck smelled rank. I have a strong sense of smell so Scott doesn't believe me. Once, Scott went to Petco while I was in Michaels with Keta and got her a cow hoof to chew on. The whole ride home I'm like "Omg something smells so horrible gosh what the heck did you buy the dog!?" and he's all like "I don't smell anything". Anyways, I made him take a whiff of the cow hoof and he almost barfed. I think he's lucky for having a bad sense of smell, but what do I know. Anyways, 1 week later, we take the duck out to eat and Scott's like "God, this duck smells horrible". Duh, I said that ya know day 1. Anyways, lucky Keta gets more nutritious dog snacks, woof. So that's what has been up. Tomorrow we find out if we got a moose permit, I really hope so! If not Scott's convinced to go mountain goat hunting and shoot one-he can have fun with that because my ass is not scaling a cliff to shoot a goat, then rolling back down to retrieve it. No way, no how.
My first spruce grouse! |
Keta (right) and her buddies Ruger and Marlin |
Hunting makes baby tired |
This place never fails to impress me |
Fishing pole and bear control |
My tubby mallard |
Keta's newest favorite game: what's in the couch? |