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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oh My Gosh, Look At My (not so) Little Fuzzy!

Okay, so not being in Alaska is seriously depressing. I'm ready to go back, um NOW! Things I have attempted since being home for the month: bear hunting and tuna fishing. Well, bear hunting (I originally wrote "fishing" before I just read this over- yea, I don't think bear fishing would work well, though maybe it would!) was a flop. First of all it was SO HOT outside, and the pollen was seriously irritating my allergies so instead of valiantly shooting an awesome bear, I caughed my brains out on a log then my face swelled up and well that was the end of that. November though, watch out bears! So then I tried tuna fishing twice. The first time, we didn't even bother because it was rough but we caught 800 billion bluefish-  my fingers were so cramped by the end of the day I had to stop fishing (um, when do I ever want to stop fishing!?) because I seriously could not reel anymore! They looked like that guys fingers from Scary Movie 2 when he dips them in the potatoes-woof. The blues were like 10 pounds just so you know, I'm not a total baby. So anyways the second time we tried we were all ready to go. I got to the boat around 5:30 and it was still pretty dark when we were leaving the marina. Within a few minutes outside of the safety of the marina, we got SLAMMED with big waves. We were all soaked within like 5 minutes. The boys were like "Hey Molly, when we duck, make sure you duck because it means you're gunna get wet" Simple enough, right? Yuh, not to me at 6AM with only 1 cup of coffee down. The boys both ducked and my big dumb mouth opened right up to say "What are you ducking for?", but instead the stupid words were drowned down with about a gallon of saltwater. Fail. We decided shortly after that that um we might as well go home and go to bed because this wasn't going to happen! So anyways, the real point of this blog post is that I am still living vacariously through Scott with his Alaskan awesome life and obviously if you've been reading this blog, you know I was OBSESSED with this bear cub that I named Fuzzy because geez he was just so dang cute and had such a lovely personality-true little doll. Anyways, Scott finally tracked little Fuzz down 1 month later to get pictures for me sooo obviously I'm going to share them with you. He got SO PUDGY! And he is so dang cute I seriously just gushed and smooshied aww'd for about 18 hours over this little gem. Sooo I hope you are getting some pleasure from watching this little chubby cub pork out because I know I sure am. Now, if only I stole him, imagine I could have that cute little fuzzball cuddling with me on the couch right now...lame. Anyways, I'm heading up north fishing this weekend sooo I will post about that on Sunday and Monday! Again, enjoy baby. 
Baby Fuzz- mid August. What a little cutie with his little belly and feet!
Fuzzy as of the end of September- what a little pork!!! I so love him.

Okay Seriously, the cutest bear cub on Earth, right? I hope you are totally gushing over this little pig right now like I have been for oh only the past 2 days!

Fuzz and his mommy in August!

Fuzzy's got back now... no joke.